Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Modern Scandinavian Garden - Reaching Sunshine

February is a good time to add to my Modern Scandinavian Garden series. Orange, blues and yellows were guiding this piece. Dahlias and Zinnias were the stars but you might notice a little Song Sparrow making an appearance too. 

Modern Scandinavian Garden - Reaching Sunshine is an acrylic painting on stretched canvas with cross braces and painted edges. Size is 24"x36". This piece will be available soon at Peculiar Painter in Walker, MN. for $2,200.00 | 218-547-3729

Prints and cards will be available soon too. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Silent Snow


This painting started out with white, paynes grey and indigo. I then added little highlights of raw Sienna and red earth. You have to look close to see the subtle variation. I wanted this piece to feel like winter but cozy - not cold. 

Silent Snow is a brushed acrylic ink painting of 140 lb. cold press arches paper. This painting is framed to a final size of 13.25" square and available at Peculiar Painter in Walker, MN. for $285.00. 

8" prints on steel with hanging brackets will also be available for $42 | 218-547-3279

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Cheerful Blue Jay

 Blue Jay's are constant visitors at our house. My son decided they are his favorite bird and I enjoy their constant presence. I wanted this regal Jay to have a fun and whimsical energy. Stripes, circles and bright colors give this painting a cheerful feel. 

Cheerful Blue Jay is a brushed acrylic ink painting on 140 lb. cold press paper. This painting is framed with conservation glass. Final framed size is 10" square. This piece is available at Peculiar Painter in Walker, MN. for $245.00 | 218-547-3729



I remember being a child and finding so much joy in discovering Showy Lady-slippers. My Grandpa knew how much we loved these, I think he did too. He would scout out the best spots to see them and take us on lady-slipper drives. I paint them for this reason and because the swirl of the deep green leaves against the  delicate flower is really fun to paint.

Showy is a brushed acrylic ink painting on 140 lb. arches cold press paper. This painting is professionally framed with conservation glass. The finished size is 14.25"x9.25". This painting is available at Peculiar Painter in Walker, MN. for $295.00 | 218-547-3729

The Calm •SOLD

There is a frame shop in Wisconsin called Avenue Art. Since the first time I entered their doors it has been a favorite stop every time my family is in Appleton. I stock up on beautiful frames and enjoy visualizing what to paint to fit the frame. This rich blue frame asked me to paint a tree surrounded by complimentary sunset tones. ..so I did!

The Calm is a brushed acrylic ink painting on 140 lb. cold press arches paper. This piece is framed with conservation glass. Final framed size is 8.25"x6.25" 

Walker Bay Boulevard •SOLD

 If you have ever wandered the bike trail, which runs parallel to Walker Bay Boulevard, you know how peaceful and warm the light feels. I walk this trail to restore balance and remind myself how luck we are to have the lakes, trails and trees surrounding us. 

Walker Bay Boulevard is a brushed acrylic ink painting on 140 lb. arches cold press paper. It is framed with conservation glass. The finished framed size is 8" square. This piece is sold but cards will be available. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Big Lake •ON HOLD

 I started this painting last year and kept wanting to finish it but the right time did not come - until now. Even unfinished I knew I wanted this to be a subtle and warm piece. I want you to feel the relaxed summer days where sky meets water and all feels warm and relaxed. 

The Big Lake is a 28"x9" acrylic painting on stretched canvas with painted edges. This piece is available at Peculiar Painter in Walker, MN. for $465.00 | 218-547-3729